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Biomaterials and Environmental Science

Inspired by what the nature offers, we capture ideas, innovate and maximize the opportunity and possibility of creating high value bio-based materials and solutions.

We provide integrated research, characterization and consultation partnership in the development of high-value products and processes from potential natural sources in environmental and economically sustainable ways. 

Automation and IoT System

Achieve higher productivity by using our customizable and scalable automation and instrumentation system for your company.

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Team of scientists and engineers from diverse fields of expertise but with the same vision to enrich the research environment in Indonesia and generating world-class innovations and discoveries.

Achieving Growth

We synergize interconnected science to accelerate scientific discovery and technological innovation in the academic and industrial sectors that improve the livelihood of the society and the environment while providing our partners with competitive advantage in the market.

Latest Publications, Patents and Pre-Prints.


Reinhard Pinontoan, Jonathan Suciono Purnomo, Elvina Bella Avissa, Jessica Pricilla Tanojo, Moses Djuan, Valerie Vidian, Ariela Samantha, Juandy Jo and Eden Steven, “In-vitro and in-silico Analyses of the Thrombolytic Potential of Green Kiwifruit,” Scientific Reports, 14, 13799 (2024).


Eden Steven, Danica Krstovska, Daniel Suarez, Tasya Berliana, Eric Jobiliong, Eun Sang Choi, “Recyclable Organic Bilayer Piezoresistive Cantilever for Torque Magnetometry at Cryogenic Temperatures,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 368, 115133 (2024).


Danica Krstovska, Eun Sang Choi and Eden Steven, "Giant Angular Nernst Effect in the Organic Metal α-(BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4," Magnetochemistry, 9 (1), 27, (2023). 

Conference Paper

Jaewoong Lee, Eric Jobiliong, Timothy Bastiaan, Darren J. Manua, Ezekhiel Taniara and Eden Steven, "Enhancement of Atmospheric Water Harvesting via Salt-Infused Sponges and Peltier Devices," Environmental Sciences Proceedings, 5, (2023)., The 7th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences

Conference Paper

Shania Pesik, Eric Jobiliong and Eden Steven, "Comparative Analysis of Photodegradation of Ibuprofen and Clotrimazole Water Pollutant using UVC Rays in presence and absence of ZnO Photocatalyst,"  Environmental Science Proceedings, 5, (2023). The 7th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences


Lincah Andadari, Dhany Yuniati, Bambang Supriyanto, Murniati, Sri Suharti, Asmanah Widarti, Eden Steven, Andi Sadapotto, Bondan Winarno, Minarnigsih, Retno Agustarini, Nurhaedah Muin, Wahyudi Isnan, Yetti Heryati, Yelin Adalina, Irma Yeny, Rosita Dewi, Ari Nurlia, Septiantina Dyah R, Kun Estri M, Luthfan Meilana N and Budi Hadi Narendra, "Lens on Tropical Sericulture Development in Indonesia: Recent Status and Future Directions for Industry and Social Forestry," Insects, 13 (10), 913, (2022).

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