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Josavan Ezekhiel, S.T

Researcher | Electrical Engineering

This is your CV description. It’s a summary of your work and educational experience. Concisely describe your specific role, degree, certification or personal experience. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

Skills & Experience

  • Circuit Design eagle

  • Arduino C++

  • Internet of Things (IoT) : Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32

  • Drone

  • Basic 3D Modelling


  • Robotic system for monitoring and maintaining growth of fungi based materials for value added products.

  • Air-aid: a smart-antipollution mask and integration of air quality mapping

  • Design and construction of ornithopter

  • Solar lantern

  • UPH phone based on Arduino

Awards & Competition

  • 1st Runner-Up The Grand Infusion Challenge by La Trobe University (Air-Aid Smart Pollution Mask), (2020)

  • 3rd Place Sumo Battle Robot Binus ASO, (2018)

Publications and Conference

  • H. P. Uranus, J. Ezekhiel, B. Khusnandar, A. Dwijanto, D. H. Yulian and R. Mangunsong, "Design and Applications of Solar Lantern Using Off-the-shelf Components for Humanitarian Activities," 2019 IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC)(47129), Depok, West Java, Indonesia, 2019, pp. 238-243. (


  • Metode Robotik untuk Memantau, Menghidrasi, Melatih Pertumbuhan Jamur Baru dan Mengobati Infeksi Bakteri atau Jamur pada Kultur Jamur Baru untuk Menghasilkan Jaringan Lateral yang Padat Seperti Lembaran dari Bahan Jamur. (Patent Pending, P00202009416, Indonesia, Submitted 2020).Translation: A Robotic Method of Monitoring, Hydrating, Training, and Treating Bacterial or Fungal Infections of New-Growth Fungal Cultures to Produce Densified Sheet-Like Lateral Networks of Fungal Materials



Universitas Pelita Harapan

Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineer

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